David Price
IC ceramic Consulting, LLC, Weare, NH 03281
As the principal and owner of a small engineering consulting company, I am thoroughly satisfied with the Patent Law services that MCR has provided. The whole process and experience has been fantastic and it resulted in 2 US Patents for my company. I would highly recommend MCR to anyone, especially small technology companies new to the Patent process. David Rardin and the MCR team are highly skilled and savvy regarding all the critical steps and communication with the US Patent office to provide a speedy completion of your Patent application needs. I highly recommend David Rardin and the office of Maine, Cernota, and Rardin.
Mark Zhang
New Angle, Co. Hollis, NH
I have worked with a number of IP firms over the years, both locally and remotely. MCR definitely ranks on top. Their attorneys are very capable, as well as personable. Their support staff is great, too. With their help, I have got great results on my patent and trademark matters, including one extremely challenging case. The picture shows my patents that are under their care.
Paul M.
Nashua, NH
My experience with Maine, Cernota & Rardin began some forty years ago on a project with Vernon Maine.
Most recently we have executed another project entitled “Enhanced Convection, Differential Temperature Managed, Hydronic Heating Appliance” USPTO 10,690,356, depicted in the accompanying photos.
David Rardin has been our facilitator throughout and has performed notably in this regard. Specifically, David has absorbed all of the technical and process detail of our “Appliance”, a hydronics industry first and challenging option to contemporary norms. This is evidenced within our patented device description detail and summary adoption of all of our claims without dispute. The examiner cited approx. fifty “prior art” references in our abstract having no correlation or reference to our device. We are out front.
These are the earmarks of excellent patent attorney practice! “Our compliments to the chef”, indeed. We proceed in confidence that the same results will occur with our recent Canadian Submission. Maine, Cernota & Rardin is our recommended source.
Qian Wu
Axis Semiconductor, Inc. Methuen, MA
Axis Tek has had a great experience with MCR over the last 12 years in filing and obtaining 10 patents.
Doug Burum is an excellent IP expert with a lot of experience in filing patents.First, he is very fast in understanding Axis Tek’s highly innovative inventions in processor and compiler technologies. For example, while working on one of our inventions Doug coined a new term “index-specified architecture”, which captured the key concept of the invention so well that, in addition to using this term in our patents, we also used it to help us explain to inside and outside people the concept of our invention. In addition, Doug’s speed and quality of understanding and drafting patent filings has saved Axis a lot of legal cost.
Second, each time Axis Tek’s patent applications have entered prosecution, which is the USPTO’s inquiry and response cycle, Doug has been great with suggesting a few options for how to respond, with pro’s and con’s clearly listed. For example, he would ask about how fast we want to get the patent vs. insisting on keeping every original idea, and has analyzed how hard it is likely to be to argue for specific points based on the inquiry.
Third, Doug works very well with the entire MCR team in terms of all the steps of filing the patents. As a result, Axis Tek has successfully filed and received all of the patents that we have sought during 2010-2022, both in the US and internationally.
Finally, MCR has a great legal administrative team, including Chief Patent & Trademark Paralegal Sharon Belliveau. They are very good with:
- Giving adequate and timely reminders through all the steps of the patent process.
- Giving financial planning regarding patent filing and maintenance cost.
- Coordinating all legal and administrative work related to our applications and issued patents. We plan on continuing to work with MCR, and we would gladly recommend them to others.
Michael Kelly
Voytas, Inc. Syracuse, NY
“My experience with MCR was simply amazing. I approached them with a limited budget and a six-week deadline to seek protection of up to six related but different inventions. Worse yet, I was not yet sure which of the six would be the most important to protect. Doug suggested that we file a single “basket” application disclosing all six inventions, but claiming only one of them. That way, down the road, we could file additional applications to the other inventions as needed.
One thing that I found extremely beneficial working with MCR was their flexibility to allow me to enter into a “hybrid” style of patent drafting relationship with them. By that I mean that they allowed me to generate not only drawings for the application, but also agreed to let me create first drafts of the other sections of the patent – except the claims, which was the legal stuff that I was not able to draft. I had always looked at patent firms as being rigid in regards to wanting full control over the process. MCR’s flexibility in letting me act as a partner in the process saved me money, and made me feel like I was more connected to the process. I had done a great deal of studying of the patent process before I approached MCR, which really paid off.
My experience with MCR was a big win! In the end, we filed only two applications – the original “basket” and one continuing application. The first one was allowed after only one office action, and the other one was allowed without any office actions. Now I am again back at the drawing board. I have redesigned both inventions for customer appeal and function, and I am having newer prototypes made. I plan to attend some trade shows, and to begin selling the new products, sometime in 2023.
Bharat Anadure
Magnus, Inc. San Francisco, CA
Great experience working with MCR IP team over the last decade working on multiple patent applications. Their work is thorough and professional. Highly recommend!!!
Joe Pannullo
BugTorch Systems, LLC Essex Falls, NJ
I became an MCR client in 2011 when I acquired an exclusive license to a patent for a tax payment system that MCR had written and filed. Together with MCR, we navigated through the process at the USPTO of obtaining allowance of the patent, and then extended the primary patent into four more, building a portfolio of protected product functionality, and adding value to the base asset. MCR also performed our trademark work, provided copyright counsel, and delivered valuable trade secret advice.
These guys are down to earth and know their stuff. I have yet to present a data set that MCR could not resolve or improve. I don’t think there is anyone at the firm I have not worked with or spoken to, and in each case the value exchange and quality of work has been unsurpassed. Except for the retirement of the founder, the team has remained unchanged since I found them. Almost zero turnover says more about an organization than anything it can say about itself.
I have been developing technology and licensing since 1984. I am not an engineer. I have kissed my share of frogs and thieves. Since meeting the firm, I have never been dissatisfied or ripped off. Best, I have continued to learn and be challenged. Volleys between MCR and USPTO Office Actions are invigorating and grounded in logical reasoning and experience. To date, all have had successful outcomes.
Best case outcomes start at the beginning. It is not until after the process starts that one will fully appreciate the importance of experience and depth of field intrinsic to MCR. In most recent subject matters, MCR took a single initial idea from invention capture stage (during pandemic lockdown) to four issued patents in two years. All were allowed within 5-9 months of filing. More are pending USA/int’l.
I cannot write without special note of my privilege to have worked with patent agent Dr. Doug Burum. Qualified to represent patent matters before USPTO, Doug is among the smartest human beings I have ever worked with and learned from. His responsive professional manner and warm personal style are exceeded only by his logical reasoning skills as expressed in all writings. Doug’s depth of experience and foresight have delivered expert strategic and tactical advice that I trust without second thought. If he didn’t laugh and smile so easily, you might think he was Spock. Doug is a true gentleman with a light wonderful sense of humor. He has become my most trusted IP advisor. Proof is in the pudding. No more frogs.
MCR is best of breed. If you’re looking for smart, attentive, value focused IP counsel or patent agent – STOP. Look no further. Give them a shot. You’ll never leave.
If you are seeking a reliable U.S. patent law firm that is accessible, effective and efficient, please give us the opportunity to introduce ourselves. Since 1993, we have provided U.S. intellectual property law services for clients throughout the U.S. and abroad, including patent and trademark prosecution and licensing, and IP portfolio management.
At Maine Cernota & Curran, we have a New England Attitude about cost, quality, client relationships, and great service. Call us at (603) 886-6100.